2015 Personal Favorites :: Minnesota Photographer

As promised, here is a collection of my favorite, personal, photos from 2015. Also…there’s not much to see here. In the past ten years, this was my second worst year for personal work. It’s not for lack of creativity…it’s more for these two reasons: one, I spend a ton of my time photographing for others; and, two, every ounce of down time I have–I work. (Unless it’s really late. Then I just watch ‘Master of None’ and hit ‘Stumble’.) When you work, mostly, from home, keep a house up full time, and are a stay-at-home parent…being like, ‘Oh wow! That sunset is gorgeous…I’m gonna get in the car and go!’ Is replaced with…’Oh wow! I think I have a few minutes to shower before it’s time to get the kids to bed; then, I need to open up Lightroom, and work through client photos, before my eyes get too tired to focus.’ It works though. For now.

So, my personal collection of photos is weak. I photograph a lot of what’s around me–if I have a minute. Whether it’s my mom’s garden, the cookies I just baked, my little kid being cute (and not breaking things), a foggy island in Northern MN, someplace I may, or may not, be trespassing in, a sunset at my cabin, or even just me…I try to take a minute to get a decent shot. I know I have other decent photos that could have made this list…but, nothing I care about a ton. In fact, I almost didn’t post any of these because other than two, or three, of them…I’m not crazy about where my personal work has taken me this past year.

The new Capture MN book was just announced, so, maybe I’ll shoot more for that in 2016. I mean, I could set goals, and resolutions, about shooting more…but, it doesn’t work unless it comes organically. I know I should get out more and shoot more–though, I don’t really see that happening a ton, either. Maybe I’ll conquer some anxiety about getting out this year…that would help too, I suppose. Shooting more is always on my mind though–that’s for sure.

Anyway…here is what I have from 2015. My next blog will have my favorite phone shots from the year. That is my favorite category of all. 🙂

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