Sean and Draken Get Married

I believe I have about 17 blog posts that I’ve written, or partially written, sitting in my draft folder currently. I come here, I have huge ideas, I write my little heart out, and then I doubt the entire thing–so, I don’t post it. It’s not so much writer’s block–it’s more of a posting block,…

October Photo Project

Every year, I feel the Fall inspiration hard. There’s this pumpkin spice scented,  golden-colored, romantic haze, that settles into my brain, come mid September. I get so excited about boots, and flannels, and hats (so I don’t have to fix my hair mostly). I get excited about the heated mattress pad on my bed, and…

Bunker Hills Family Photos

Hello! I’m just dropping by to share a few of my favorite pics from last weekends family session. I, believe, this is the eleventh year we’ve worked together!? (That seems like a long time, for sure–but, even longer when you think two of the kiddos hadn’t even been born at that point!) This year, we…

Cory and Angela’s Wedding

Ya know, I always struggle with what to say when I come here to talk about something I photographed.  I feel like I sound fake, when I gush about how wonderful it was to get to be a part of everything. I end up feeling like a cliche when I talk about how beautiful it…

Oh, Sweet Baby

Babies. ❤ Oh. This little guy had me melting. He is so sweet, and so calm, and was so easy to work with. (Not to mention, his perfect little head of hair is just the best.) He was so awake, and alert, while I was there shooting. (He’s only four weeks old, and I was…

Anoka Family Photography

Hey! I’m back with some photography today! All those dandelion recipes were fun–but, I figured I should pop in with some work stuff, too. 🙂 A beautiful backyard, full of blooming lilacs, was the catalyst for the the timing of this family photo session. It was really fun for me to swing by their home…

Rick and Maggie are Married

Oh…I have some pretty stuff to share today. 🙂 This past weekend, you know–the one with the winter storm warning, and all the rain and then all the snow–well, in the middle of that whole mess, Rick and Maggie got married in a peaceful, bright, ceremony in Bloomington. The snow falling outside, made their evening…

Some Small Business Shots

Hello again! As I mentioned in my last blog–this past weekend, I was working with a small business, Lillians of Anoka, to get the owner some fresh photos. She has hired a marketing team to come in and help her out with some social media stuff, and she is also planning to freshen up her…

Forest Lake Family Photos

My sister and I have been saying ‘we’re gonna do it this year’, for a couple years now. And, just like a lot of things in life–we talk a big game, but, time gets away from us. (Well, it doesn’t get ‘away’. It just goes other places. It goes to the kids, to parents, to…

Lino Lakes Family Photography

All right! Here’s family two, of three, to close out my 2018. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Blaine, Lino Lakes, and Forest Lake area lately–and, these guys are no exception to that. I’ve been working with this, awesome, family since long before the third little one came into the picture. (Hah!…